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How to find your German tax ID and tax number?

Hari Krishnan

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

If you live or work in Germany, you will need to deal with two important numbers related to your taxes: the tax number (Steuernummer) and the tax ID (Steueridentifikationsnummer or Steuer-ID). These numbers are used by the German tax authorities to identify you and process your tax returns.

German tax ID vs Tax number

What is the tax number in Germany?

In Germany, when you register your address, the Federal Central Tax Office gives you a special number called the "Steueridentifikationsnummer" or tax identification number. The tax number is a 10 or 11-digit number for tax purposes. This number is yours forever, even if you move to a different area. It's like your tax ID that stays with you throughout your lifeWhen you start your own business as a freelancer or self-employed person in Germany, you get another tax number. This number is just like the one you got when you first dealt with taxes, but it's for your business. When you send invoices, you need to use this business tax number on them. It helps keep everything clear and connected to your business.

What is the tax ID in Germany?

The tax ID is a 11-digit number that is assigned to you by the Federal Central Tax Office (Bundeszentralamt für Steuern) when you are born or register your address in Germany. The tax ID is unique to each person and does not change even if you move to a different district within the country. You will need the tax ID to register with your employer, open a bank account, apply for social benefits, and prove your identity to the tax authorities.

How to get the tax ID?

If you are born in Germany, you will receive your tax ID by mail within a few weeks after your birth. If you are a foreigner who moves to Germany, you will receive your tax ID by mail within two to four weeks after you register your address at the local registration office (Einwohnermeldeamt or Bürgeramt). You do not need to apply for the tax ID separately.

What should you do if you miss the Tax ID?

Once a tax ID is assigned to you, it is permanent in most cases. It will rarely change due to administrative or security reasons. Therefore, you cannot request for a new Tax ID. If you lose or forget your Tax ID, you can request a new letter with your Tax ID from the Federal Central Tax Office (Finanzamt).

To get your tax ID in Germany, go to the Finanzamt (tax office) in the city / town you are registered with your passport. You don’t need an appointment. You need to fill out a form, and the Finanzamt will send you a letter with your tax ID in about 4 weeks, sometimes more. They'll send it to the address you registered. It is not possible to send it anywhere else.

Where to find your German Tax ID

You can find your tax ID on some official documents, such as your income tax statement (Einkommensteuerbescheid), your payslip (Lohnabrechnung), or your social security card (Sozialversicherungsausweis).

Tax ID in German salary slip


The tax number and the tax ID are two important numbers that you will need to handle your taxes in Germany. The tax number is assigned by your local tax office and changes if you move to a different district. The tax ID is assigned by the Federal Central Tax Office and does not change even if you move to a different country. You should keep these numbers safe and use them whenever required by the tax authorities or other institutions.

Frequently asked questions

Where can I find my German Tax ID (Steueridentifikationsnummer)?

Your German Tax ID is usually sent to you by post after your registration with the local residents' registration office. If you can't find it, check official letters from the tax office or your income tax assessment.

Can I retrieve my German Tax ID online?

What is the German Tax Number (Steuernummer) and where do I find it?

Can I obtain my Tax Number online in Germany?

Is there a specific document where I can locate my Tax Number?

What should I do if I cannot find my Tax ID or Tax Number?

Can I use my Tax ID and Tax Number interchangeably?

Is there a helpline or customer service for assistance with tax-related queries in Germany?

Can I request a replacement if I lose my Tax ID?

Are there online services that can help me retrieve my Tax ID or Tax Number in Germany?

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