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Parental Allowance [Elterngeld]: Eligibility, Benefits, and Application Process

Hari Krishnan

Updated: Jan 2, 2024

Parental allowance in Germany, often referred to as 'Elterngeld,' is a vital form of support for new parents. Understanding how this system works can significantly ease the financial aspects of raising a child in Germany.

application process : Eltergeld [parental benefits] in Germany

If you are planning to have a child in Germany, you might be wondering how you can support yourself and your family during this exciting time. Fortunately, Germany offers a generous benefit called parental allowance (Elterngeld) to new parents who want to take some time off work to care for their newborn.

What is parental allowance in Germany?

Parental allowance (Elterngeld) is a benefit provided by the German government to new parents. This allowance supports the costs of bringing up a child. New parents receive between 300 and 1.800 euros a month as parental allowance. The amount depends on the income the parents had before the child was born.

You are eligible to receive a monthly parental allowance from the moment your child is born. Keep in mind that the month is not a calendar month, but is based on the months of your child’s birth. For example, if your kid was born on December 22nd, then the months are calculated as follows:

  • 1st month: from December 22nd to January 21st

  • 2nd month: from January 22nd to February 21st

  • … and so on

Who is eligible for parental allowance in Germany?

Any parent is eligible for parental allowance, as long as you meet the following requirements:

  • You live in Germany as an EU citizen, or with a temporary or permanent residence permit that allows you to work in Germany

  • You and your kid live in the same household

  • You don’t work at all or work less than 32 hours per week

  • You can request parental allowance to take care of:

    • Your biological child

    • The biological child of your wife or husband or your life partner

    • Your stepkids – If you have applied for adopting them, even though the application is still being processed

    • Your adopted child – even if the process is not complete

    • Your grandchild, great-grandchild, niece, nephew, or sibling – under certain circumstances

Unlike parental leave, you can apply for parental allowance even if you did not work before your child’s birth. Also, the type of employment does not matter. Elterngeld is available for:

  • Employees

  • Civil servants

  • Self-employed

  • Unemployed

  • Students and trainees (EU citizens only)

  • Stay-at-home mothers or fathers

  • Part-time workers

  • People with mini-jobs

  • People who work abroad under a German contract

Parental allowance is also given out to parents even if their kids are being looked after by other people during parts of the day (e.g., au pairs, relatives, daycare).

How long can you receive parental allowance in Germany?

You can receive Elterngeld for a minimum of two months and a maximum of 24 months, depending on the type of allowance you apply for. There are two types of parental allowance in Germany:

  • Basic parental allowance (Basiselterngeld): This is the standard option that most parents choose. You can receive basic parental allowance for up to 12 months per parent, or 14 months if both parents share the benefit. Single parents can also claim the full 14 months. The amount of basic parental allowance is based on your previous net income, ranging from 300 to 1.800 euros per month.

  • Parental allowance plus (ElterngeldPlus): This is a newer option that was introduced in 2015 to encourage parents to return to work part-time after having a child. You can receive parental allowance plus for up to 24 months per parent, or 28 months if both parents share the benefit. Single parents can also claim the full 28 months. The amount of parental allowance plus is half of the basic parental allowance, ranging from 150 to 900 euros per month.

You can choose to combine both types of parental allowance to suit your needs. For example, you can take six months of basic parental allowance followed by 12 months of parental allowance plus, or vice versa. You can also switch between the two types of allowance during your benefit period, as long as you do not exceed the maximum number of months.

Parents who are sharing parental allowance can receive benefits one after the other or both at the same time, up to a shared total of 14 months for basic parental allowance or 28 months for parental allowance plus. However, if both parents receive parental allowance at the same time, they will use up two months of their allowance for each month they receive the benefit.

How much parental allowance is given in Germany?

The parental allowance is intended to replace the income you received before your child’s birth. The amount you receive is therefore based on your income over the 12 months immediately before the baby was born, including any income-replacement benefits like the child sickness benefit.

If you apply to basic parental allowance, you can expect to receive between 300 and 1.800 euros per month. As a rule, it is 65% of your net income before giving birth. However, if your previous income was less than 1.000 euros, you can receive up to 100% of your income as parental allowance. On the other hand, if your previous income was more than 1.240 euros, the percentage of your income that you receive as parental allowance decreases gradually.

If you apply to parental allowance plus, you can expect to receive between 150 and 900 euros per month. This is half of the amount you would receive as basic parental allowance.

You can use this calculator (in German) to work out how much parental benefit you will receive.

Families with two or more young children can receive a monthly bonus of 10%, or 75 euros, whichever is greater. You qualify for the bonus if you have at least one other child below the age of three, or at least two other children below the age of six, or at least one other child with a disability below the age of 14.

For multiple births (i.e. if you have twins or triplets), parental allowance increases to 300 euros each month for each additional child.

How and where to apply for the parental allowance in Germany?

You can apply for the parental allowance in Germany by filling out an application form and submitting it to the parental allowance office (Elterngeldstelle) in your city or town.

You can download the application form from the website of your federal state (Bundesland) or get a copy from your parental allowance office. The application form is usually in German, but some states also provide English versions.

You can apply for the parental allowance as soon as your child is born, but not later than three months after the birth. If you apply later than three months, you will lose the benefit for the months that have already passed.

You will need to provide the following documents along with your application form:

  • A copy of your child’s birth certificate

  • A copy of your passport or identity card

  • A copy of your residence permit (if applicable)

  • A copy of your income tax certificate (Lohnsteuerbescheinigung) or your income statement (Einkommensbescheinigung) for the last 12 months before the birth

  • A copy of your employment contract or a confirmation from your employer about your working hours and income (if applicable)

  • A copy of your partner’s income tax certificate or income statement (if applicable)

  • A declaration of consent from your partner if you are applying for the parental allowance together or if you are applying for more than two months of parental allowance

  • A confirmation from your health insurance or family insurance about the child sickness benefit (if applicable)

  • A confirmation from the child benefit office (Familienkasse) about the child benefit (Kindergeld) (if applicable)

  • A confirmation from the social welfare office (Sozialamt) about any social benefits you receive (if applicable)

  • A confirmation from the pension office (Rentenversicherung) about any pension benefits you receive (if applicable)

  • A confirmation from the unemployment office (Agentur für Arbeit) about any unemployment benefits you receive (if applicable)

  • A confirmation from the maternity protection office (Mutterschutzstelle) about the maternity allowance (Mutterschaftsgeld) (if applicable)

  • A confirmation from the adoption agency or the court about the adoption of your child (if applicable)

You can submit your application by post, by email, or in person at your parental allowance office. You can also use an online service (in German) to fill out and submit your application electronically.

You will receive a notification from the parental allowance office about the approval or rejection of your application within a few weeks. If your application is approved, you will receive the parental allowance by bank transfer every month. If your application is rejected, you have the option to reapply once you have fulfilled the criteria mentioned in the rejection explanation.

Please note that if your supporting documents are not in German or English, you must provide a translated version. You can either find translation services in your city or town or use online translation services. Either way, ensure that the translators are officially recognized.


Parental allowance in Germany is a great benefit that helps new parents to take some time off work and bond with their child. Depending on your income and preferences, you can choose between basic parental allowance and parental allowance plus, and receive up to 1.800 euros per month for up to 24 months. To apply for the parental allowance, you need to fill out an application form and provide some documents to your local parental allowance office. You can apply as soon as your child is born, but not later than three months after the birth. If you apply later than three months, you will lose the benefit for the months that have already passed.

Some frequently asked questions

How is the parental allowance amount calculated?

The amount of parental allowance you receive is based on your previous income. It's typically a percentage of your average net income before the child's birth, with higher earners receiving a lower percentage.

Are there additional benefits or support for parents in Germany?

Can expats or foreigners living in Germany apply for parental allowance?

Are there any restrictions on how parental allowance can be used?

What if a parent returns to work during the parental allowance period?

Where can I find more information or assistance regarding parental allowance in Germany?

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